Monday, January 5, 2015

Welcome! Eat. Drink. Be inappropriate.

I used to have this other little blog called Gemini Rants. There was nothing at all was wrong with it, save the fact that I never actually posted anything on it.  Gemini Rants started as one thing and turned into another and ended up being all over the place. I stopped, started, restarted… it was messy. While this is an apt representation of my life in general, I really felt like it was time to start fresh. I wanted my blog to have a name, a look, and a personality that reflected both myself and my writing a little more clearly than Gemini Rants

Hence, Cake. Wine. Chaos. I assure you that the name befits my life to absolute perfection. The look is a work in progress (ahem, Ashley). The personality is a mix of funny vulnerability, off beat perception, and overwhelming sarcasm.

I will start posting later this week, but I wanted to introduce the blog and myself before I overwhelmed you with hilarity and brilliance.

The purpose of my writing is twofold.

First of all, it’s therapeutic.

Flannery O’Conner said, “I write because I don’t know what I think, until I read what I say.”

I write because I have to. I write because telling stories, especially my own, gives me perspective on them. I write to learn from my mistakes and to recognize my small victories. I write to survive.

Secondly, I want it to have meaning to people who need it. I once had a writing teacher tell me that my style of writing didn’t “befit the tone of an educated woman.” (There is a very close writing friend of mine snorting as she reads this) I’m actually very thankful for this piece of criticism. It helped me define my audience. I could give a shit less if calling myself a badass doesn’t sound educated as long as there is a mom, or a writer, or any other individual out there that reads it and realizes that they are capable of being a badass in their own right.  

I’m a self-admitted hot mess. Everyone’s life bounces out of the normal range of disarray at some point in time. Mine just happens to do so with brutal continuity. I’m a practiced veteran at celebrating miniscule victories and having epic meltdowns. I have spent years of my life attempting to be a happier and saner person, only to find out that I will never be both at the same time. I’ve been schooled by my own mayhem and the experience has been powerful, devastating, and full of absolute absurdity.

I’m here to remind you that don’t have to have it all together in order to make it through the day, the week, or the rest of your life. It’s perfectly acceptable, and even encouraged, to just allow yourself to suck sometimes. I am a working, writing and drinking mom who manages to fail at as much as I succeed at. I refuse to be defined by any of those roles, successes or failures. Between my quirky disposition and my charmingly insane friends and family, I have stories to tell, lessons learned, and shit to be pissed off about.

I do not claim to have all the answers. I’ve searched in a million different places for them. I can give you books to read and places to go. Drinks to mix and food to eat. Ways to find yourself on the internet and get lost in the mall. In the end, I always end up doing whatever the hell I want to and I would expect nothing less from anyone reading this blog. I won’t offer you promises to solve any of life’s messy problems. I will tell you that I’m prolific and honest. I’m opinionated and snarky. My stories are about my journey surviving life, finding myself, and befriending failure. I offer them for your entertainment and inspiration, as well as keeping me on this side of involuntary confinement.

I eat cake to celebrate milestones and to cope with failure. I drink wine when I’m happy - I drink a lot more of it when I’m sad. My life is constant and ridiculous chaos. It’s a viciously entertaining and flippantly fun ride and all I can do is laugh, learn and take my medication. 

I eat. I drink. I say inappropriate things. I revel in all the madness and the mischief I can manage to get myself into. I love my kids, my family and my friends. I laugh whenever possible. I cry when I need to. I take a deep breath and do it all over again. Welcome to Cake. Wine. Chaos. I’m really glad you’re here.

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